Sam Weiss

1 post
I’m Sam & I love travelling. Every journey I undertake, is a journey towards discovering myself. And I blog at because I wish to collect these moments and narrate a story to the world. Every time I travel, it seems to me that the story is different. Travelling has broadened my horizons. I’ve acquired a whole different world view, and I’m not interested in artifice, I prefer to see things as they are. Travelling to new places and meeting new people has always been a fascinating activity for me. With every experience, I see an opportunity to learn and value the simple joys of life. I blog about my travel expeditions, because I love to share my experiences and if I have appealed to the explorer in my readers that’s more than I could ask for. My blog is my travel diary, a record of the places and experiences I wish that my readers would enjoy and keep in mind the tips before they go on an exciting journey of their own.