destinations that despise tourists 1

Top Destinations in the World That Despise Tourists

Tourism can be a double-edged sword for many destinations around the world. While it brings economic benefits, it can also lead to overcrowding, environmental degradation, and disruption of local life. As a result, some places have become less welcoming to tourists. Here are some top destinations where locals might prefer fewer visitors:

1. Venice, Italy


Venice is renowned for its stunning canals, historic architecture, and romantic ambiance. However, the city struggles with massive tourist crowds that overwhelm its narrow streets and fragile infrastructure.


  • Overcrowding, especially during peak tourist season.
  • Environmental impact on the delicate canal system.
  • Rising property prices and cost of living for locals.

Local Measures:

  • Limiting the number of tourist accommodations.
  • Introducing entry fees for day-trippers.

2. Barcelona, Spain

barcelona itinerary 4 days

Barcelona’s vibrant culture, beautiful beaches, and iconic architecture attract millions of tourists annually. However, the influx has led to significant tensions between residents and visitors.


  • Noise and disruption in residential areas.
  • Rising housing costs and gentrification.
  • Strain on local infrastructure and services.

Local Measures:

  • Restricting new hotel developments.
  • Limiting short-term rental licenses.

3. Dubrovnik, Croatia

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This picturesque city, famous for its medieval old town and as a filming location for “Game of Thrones,” has seen a surge in tourism that has overwhelmed its small population.


  • Severe overcrowding, especially from cruise ship passengers.
  • Wear and tear on historic sites.
  • Rising living costs for residents.

Local Measures:

  • Capping the number of daily visitors.
  • Monitoring and controlling cruise ship arrivals.

4. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Oudekerk Amsterdam

Known for its canals, museums, and liberal culture, Amsterdam is a popular destination. However, the city’s popularity has caused issues with overcrowding and changing the character of local neighborhoods.


  • Disruption from large tourist groups, especially in residential areas.
  • Pressure on housing markets.
  • Environmental concerns from increased litter and pollution.

Local Measures:

  • Banning new tourist shops in the city center.
  • Promoting less-visited areas of the city.

5. Santorini, Greece

best greek islands santorini

Santorini’s stunning sunsets and white-washed buildings draw millions of visitors annually. However, the island’s small size makes it difficult to accommodate the large number of tourists.


  • Overcrowding, particularly in peak season.
  • Pressure on local resources and infrastructure.
  • Environmental degradation from increased waste and water usage.

Local Measures:

  • Limiting the number of cruise ships that can dock each day.
  • Encouraging visits during off-peak seasons.

6. Kyoto, Japan

kyoto japan 1

Kyoto, with its beautiful temples, traditional tea houses, and historic districts, is a major tourist magnet. However, the surge in tourism has caused significant disruptions to local life.


  • Disruption of daily life in residential areas.
  • Overcrowding at popular sites.
  • Damage to cultural and historic sites.

Local Measures:

  • Promoting responsible tourism.
  • Encouraging visits to lesser-known attractions.

7. Iceland

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Iceland’s dramatic landscapes and natural wonders have seen an exponential growth in tourism. While it boosts the economy, the sudden influx has posed challenges.


  • Environmental impact on fragile ecosystems.
  • Overcrowding in popular tourist spots.
  • Strain on infrastructure and local services.

Local Measures:

  • Implementing sustainable tourism practices.
  • Regulating tourist access to sensitive areas.

8. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu Pueblo Peru

This ancient Incan city is one of the most visited archaeological sites in the world. However, the high volume of tourists has led to significant wear and tear on the site.


  • Erosion and damage to the historic site.
  • Overcrowding, leading to a diminished visitor experience.
  • Environmental concerns.

Local Measures:

  • Limiting the number of daily visitors.
  • Introducing timed entry slots.

9. Banff National Park, Canada

Moraine Lake in Banff National Park

Known for its stunning natural beauty, Banff attracts millions of visitors annually. The sheer number of tourists has put pressure on the park’s delicate ecosystems.


  • Environmental degradation from human activity.
  • Overcrowding during peak seasons.
  • Impact on wildlife.

Local Measures:

  • Promoting off-peak travel.
  • Implementing strict conservation measures.

10. Mount Everest, Nepal

travel expectations mount everest

The allure of climbing the world’s highest peak draws many adventurers. However, the mountain has suffered from the high number of climbers.


  • Environmental degradation from litter and waste.
  • Overcrowding on the mountain, leading to dangerous conditions.
  • Strain on local resources and communities.

Local Measures:

  • Restricting the number of climbing permits issued.
  • Implementing stricter regulations for climbers.

While these destinations remain popular for their beauty and cultural significance, the impact of mass tourism has led to significant challenges. Responsible travel practices and respecting local measures can help mitigate some of these issues.

By being mindful of our impact as travelers, we can contribute to the preservation and sustainability of these incredible places for future generations to enjoy.

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